Sunday Services at 9 a.m. Holy Eucharist - Rite II
We invite you to join us for Holy Eucharist Rite II service. Children of all ages are welcome to attend the entire service. We celebrate the Holy Eucharist, with the bread, the Body of Christ, being received. Those that desire the wine, the Blood of Christ, may drink from the cup, or dip the wafer. You also may choose not to take the wine. Sunday school is for all ages with children through 5th grade leaving the service during the Song of Praise and returning during the Peace. Adults and Youth meet after Hospitality, from 10:30 to 11:15, in the Parish Hall. There are supervised activities for the children so their parents can attend Sunday School. We are streaming our service of Holy Eucharist Rite II from our sacred worship space. You can access our live-streamed service on St. Mary's YouTube Channel. Below is a link to the Book of Common Prayer, the service bulletin, and our YouTube Channel. The Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany service will begin at 9:00 a.m. on February 9th. Our celebrant will be the Rev. Paul Wehner. You can access the bulletin for this service below. |
service bulletin for February 9, 2025 - The Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany.pdf | |
File Size: | 1214 kb |
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Holy Baptism is full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ’s Body the Church. It is a public statement of one’s intentional decision to follow the way of Jesus. In the case of infant baptism, it is the parents’ declaration of their intent to raise a child in the way of Jesus. The bond which God establishes in Baptism is indissoluble, so baptism is only administered once.
When you choose to be baptized yourself or to have your child baptized in the Episcopal Church, it means you are choosing to live out the Baptismal Covenant in the context of an Episcopal church community, taking your part in the worship, mission and ministries of the local parish. Baptism is open to all people, regardless of age or background. |
The Blessing of the Backpacks takes place the Sunday before the start of school. Students bring forward their school backpacks and supplies for a special blessing. A blessing is also given to the students and teachers as they prepare for the start of a new school year. The Blessing of the Backpacks marks the end of the school supply drive which began three to four weeks earlier. All the donations go to West Columbia Elementary and are included in the blessing.
The Episcopal Church has shown a certain ambivalence to the feasts days of saints. One saint who has always received attention across Christian denominations has been St. Francis of Assisi. He was know for his mystical connection to creation, particularly animals. Stories abound of him preaching to birds and befriending rabbits and crickets. St. Mary’s honors the feast day of Francis of Assisi on the first Sunday in October with a Blessing of the Animals service. Pets are brought to the service and each pet receives a blessing from the rector. A lemonade stand will donate its proceeds to the local pound. Afterwards, the St. Mary's chapter of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew provides hot dogs for all in attendance. All are invited!
A Lay Reader is a member of the congregation who assists at almost all public services by reading the Old Testament lesson, The Psalm, and the Epistle (New Testament reading), and leads the Prayers of the People. All readings are given to the lay reader before Sunday so he or she can become familiar with the scriptures or prayers. Any confirmed adult communicant in good standing is eligible to become part of this ministry.
Greeters are a vital ministry, one of hospitality and support to our worship. They meet people as they enter church, pass out the pew bulletins and children’s bulletins, and assist visitors by answering any questions and helping with understanding the worship service. Greeters have received training in Safe Guarding God’s People. If you are interested in being a reader or greeter, please contact the church office at 979-345-3456. |
All men and women who have been confirmed in the Episcopal Church are eligible for Altar Guild work. Altar Guild members realize it is a high privilege to serve in God’s sanctuary and at His altar. They have a deep love for our Lord, his Church, and altar. The attitude that Altar Guild members bring to their work is all-important. With sincere devotion of mind and body, they strive to make their service an acceptable offering to our Lord. Altar Guild members do not need praise for their work, but will make their Christian witness with quiet rejoicing. The members make their work a sacred duty, and have a willingness to work under the priest’s directions and guidance. Altar Guild members leave personal feelings outside the sacristy.
The Chalice Bearer is the one who administers the Chalice, cup of wine, during the celebration of the Holy Eucharist and plays a vital role in helping the priest cultivate an environment in which worship may be celebrated with reverence and awe, allowing for full participation by the gathered assembly. He or she has made a commitment of time and talent in service to the Lord, understanding that in the Eucharist, God becomes present to us in the elements by the power of the Holy Spirit. Chalice bearers are adults or teens who have been confirmed and have received training in Safe Guarding God’s People.